Sunday, December 28, 2008

The End Of Christmas

Ahhhh finally Christmas is once again a page in the history book. I for one am glad that it is over with, now don't get me wrong I love the Christmas season. I enjoy going to church on Christmas Eve and celebrating the reason for the season. What I don't like is the the never ending conversation that goes on in our house for several weeks before Christmas, it goes something like this........
hubby: " I don't know what to get you for Christmas."
me: "there really isn't anything that I need or want"
hubby: "but I have to get you something or I will NEVER hear the end of it" (No dear that is not true, you failed to get the point that buying me a file cabinet for Christmas was NOT my idea!)
me: "Well you could give me money and I could buy my own" (hehehe I'm really giving him an easy way out here)
hubby: No that's not really a gift (dang he just blew it again LOL)
me: "well please do NOT buy me perfume that I don't like, clothes (his taste in women's clothes sucks)

Now in years past he has asked my girl friends for suggestions or a female relative for her advice, but apparently this year he decided to go it alone.........BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!!!

About three days before Christmas, my watch stopped working, I figured it needed a new battery and since I was working every night I asked hubby to take it to the store and get a new battery in it......he comes home and informs me that it is the watch and not the battery that has bitten the dust. Now we are talking an inexpensive watch here, not a gold Rolex, heck we are not even talking Timex LOL. Don't you think this would be a huge clue to buy me a new watch for Christmas?

My paper shredder also bit the dust, so I have been hand shredding the mail and stuff, again don't you think this would be a clue to buy me a paper shredder??? I mean come on what's the difference between buying me a file cabinet and a paper shredder?

Ok, It's Christmas morning and there are no gifts under the tree for me, I figured ok, he finally took me at my word. Nope here he comes with this little bag with four things in it, one is a bottle of perfume that I actually like, (lol I know he snitched my old bottle to take to the store so he got the right thing LOL), a gift certificate where I get my hair done (ok this is workable), then I open a jewlery box and there is a silver bracelet YUCK!! Ok, first off this bracelet is the size that only a Barbie doll can wear, which I am not and second of all I don't wear silver.) Ok now I open the second box and there is a silver necklace, big, gaudy and you really want me to wear this?? Ok so he has hit 2 out of 4, not to bad for him. I tell him thank you, but I really don't wear silver and the bracelet is too small, he hands me the receipt and tells me to take it back. (notice that he has learned to save the receipts from years of experience LOL)

So now you know why I really don't like the gift giving part of Christmas....cause now I have to go buy myself a new watch and a new paper shredder and take back what I did get cause no sense in keeping something I won't wear.

Hope your Christmas went well!

1 comment:

insanelybusymomma said...

He's a man...not much more to be said except I'm glad it wasn't another file cabinent cos I fear for him what happen if it was...