Sunday, April 5, 2009

What A Week This Has Been!

Work has been crazy, more patients then we have beds for, and they still keep booking patients. Why can't we be like a hotel? "I'm sorry Mr Jones but that unit is full for the night, we have a room available on XYZ floor, may I book that room for you?" Oh well some things just never change.

Monday I had to work, man were we busy. Before I knew it, the clock said it was 1am and I had yet to do any paper work. Oh well it got done finally.

Tuesday morning, finally I have finished up what I need to do at work, ran to the Pharmacy to pick up some meds for my Mom and go out to her place. Got her meds all set up for the week and parked on the couch to await the visit from Evelyn the woman who was to come out and interview my Mom for her physical assessment portion for Arizona Long Term Assistance. Yes you got it I have had to ask the state to help care for my 91 year old mother who has now out lived her money. What a sad state of affairs it is when one of your parents gets to this point. Hopefully if this ever happens to you, you find that your parents were organized and have their affairs in order. Lucky for me, my Mom is VERY organized. I'm not sure how that organized gene didn't get passed on to me, but some how it skipped me :o( Well the interview went well and I was informed the next day that my Mom is physically qualified, now I await the states judgement on her financial affairs. I know there is some paper work to clean up, not much, but I think I can handle this. Baby steps right steps!

Wednesday was pretty uneventful, just another day of work, no empty beds, but somehow I managed to move a few more patients and squeeze in a few more patients. Did anyone say thank you???

Thursday morning homeward bound for a good days sleep.....NOT!!! Hubby is short of breath and wheezing to beat the band. Gave him a double aerosol treatment and went to bed. Woke up about 4:30 to find hubby still short of breath, wheezing like crazy and had a rattle in his chest you could hear two rooms away. Ok time to call the Dr. only to be told by the on call Dr that he needed to go to the ER (dugh like I hadn't already figured that out!) So I tell DH (dear hubby) we are going to the ER, he says ok, but I need to feed the he goes out to feed the dogs, I start getting ready for work (I already called and there is no one that can work for me as we are already short staffed) Ok I'm ready for work, gonna drop DH off in the ER and go to work....I know they are going to admit him, the guy can't breath. Ok where is he? No really now he is changing his clothes, like the ER staff are gonna look at your clothes (you do have on clean undies right? And socks with no holes?) Ok now get in the car, no your not going to drive yourself to the can't breath!!! Ok, ok go ahead and drive yourself (how else are you going to get home?) Your nuts!!! Your not coming home tonight!! Ok so fast forward and tada he is admitted with pneumonia. Pulse ox of 72 when he hits the ER, for you nonmedical folks his pulse ox should me in the 90's.....70's is NOT condusive to good breathing!

Ok it's been 48 hrs and the phone rings for like the 6th time today....."Hi honey guess what I'm coming home, can you bring me my wallet?" So we get him checked out of the hospital, all in all it went pretty smoothly. I should have known trouble was ahead. I can't use the outpatient pharmacy because it is Saturday and they are already closed. So off to Walgreens to get his prescriptions filled. I give them my insurance card and they ask for a different card...ahhh this is the only one I have. No this isn't it, oh well we will call. Thanks good.....but wait.......what do you mean I don't have any insurance and it was stopped in 2004??? I have it taken out of my check every week.....crap its Saturday night and I don't have the get this $396.14 it is going to cost to pay cash for his prescriptions (yes you read that correctly $396.14!!!!) I leave the pharmacy, come home and start thinking who can I call that would know what to do......ahhhhh ya my office mate, she knows how to get around stuff like this. So I call her and she tells me ohhhhh yea I have another card for my prescription stuff, let me look at it. She gives me a number to call and I get a hold of a woman who looks up the information and tells me oh yes your covered, give me the number for Walgreens and I will call them with the info, so I give her the number of the closest Walgreens to our house, get in the car and go up to the pharmacy, only to find out they are no longer a 24 hour pharmacy................. so back to the first Walgreens I go. Luckily for me I brought the long distance number with me, just in case I needed it. Well another 55 minute wait and Yahoo I have his meds, along with a $101. 32 bill. Yikes no wonder people have to choose between food and meds at these prices.....remind me to tell my broker to buy stocks in pharmaceuticals. Dang I think after all that I need a rest.

Ok I have Sunday off.......lets see what surprise awaits me tomorrow.

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