Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas tree

Last weekend was a nice long 4 day weekend off for me, the last block of days I would have off before Christmas. Putting up the Christmas tree was at the top of the to do list. Saturday I spent all day cleaning, got a lot of things done that I had let go. Sunday my 93 year old mother-in-law comes into town, so spend some time with us. My husband took her to church, then we went out to lunch, then she wanted to go visit my Mom and then we had to drive her to Marana which is like 45 miles from where we were. By the time we got home I was exhausted!

The last thing I felt like doing was putting up the tree. My dear hubby said "oh lets get this over with, we'll have it done in a couple of hours and then you won't have to worry about it." So off to the storage shed we go. We own two Christmas trees, one is 7 feet tall and the other is 3 1/2 feet tall. I asked him which tree we should put up, and his answer was what ever you think is fine with me. Ok so 31/2 feet it is. We haul the boxes with all the decorations in. I open the box with the tree in it and low and behold there is the tree with the lights still on it and the decorations........SCORE!!!! Now this is gonna be a piece of cake, I set the tree on the coffee table, put the tree skirt around the base of the tree, put on a few ornaments that fell off and WAALAAA. Our tree is decorated with white pearl lights, maroon velvet
ribbons with gold wire edges and clear plastic icicles with fine glitter on them. One of the best trees we have had in some time. Ahhhh now to cross that chore off my list. It's not perfect, but hey its a Christmas tree and its up.

Hope your shopping is done, your tree is up and decorated and your ready for Christmas.
Until next time........

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