Sunday, December 28, 2008

The End Of Christmas

Ahhhh finally Christmas is once again a page in the history book. I for one am glad that it is over with, now don't get me wrong I love the Christmas season. I enjoy going to church on Christmas Eve and celebrating the reason for the season. What I don't like is the the never ending conversation that goes on in our house for several weeks before Christmas, it goes something like this........
hubby: " I don't know what to get you for Christmas."
me: "there really isn't anything that I need or want"
hubby: "but I have to get you something or I will NEVER hear the end of it" (No dear that is not true, you failed to get the point that buying me a file cabinet for Christmas was NOT my idea!)
me: "Well you could give me money and I could buy my own" (hehehe I'm really giving him an easy way out here)
hubby: No that's not really a gift (dang he just blew it again LOL)
me: "well please do NOT buy me perfume that I don't like, clothes (his taste in women's clothes sucks)

Now in years past he has asked my girl friends for suggestions or a female relative for her advice, but apparently this year he decided to go it alone.........BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!!!

About three days before Christmas, my watch stopped working, I figured it needed a new battery and since I was working every night I asked hubby to take it to the store and get a new battery in it......he comes home and informs me that it is the watch and not the battery that has bitten the dust. Now we are talking an inexpensive watch here, not a gold Rolex, heck we are not even talking Timex LOL. Don't you think this would be a huge clue to buy me a new watch for Christmas?

My paper shredder also bit the dust, so I have been hand shredding the mail and stuff, again don't you think this would be a clue to buy me a paper shredder??? I mean come on what's the difference between buying me a file cabinet and a paper shredder?

Ok, It's Christmas morning and there are no gifts under the tree for me, I figured ok, he finally took me at my word. Nope here he comes with this little bag with four things in it, one is a bottle of perfume that I actually like, (lol I know he snitched my old bottle to take to the store so he got the right thing LOL), a gift certificate where I get my hair done (ok this is workable), then I open a jewlery box and there is a silver bracelet YUCK!! Ok, first off this bracelet is the size that only a Barbie doll can wear, which I am not and second of all I don't wear silver.) Ok now I open the second box and there is a silver necklace, big, gaudy and you really want me to wear this?? Ok so he has hit 2 out of 4, not to bad for him. I tell him thank you, but I really don't wear silver and the bracelet is too small, he hands me the receipt and tells me to take it back. (notice that he has learned to save the receipts from years of experience LOL)

So now you know why I really don't like the gift giving part of Christmas....cause now I have to go buy myself a new watch and a new paper shredder and take back what I did get cause no sense in keeping something I won't wear.

Hope your Christmas went well!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 23

Wow there really is a Santa LOL. I got off early, was able to leave work at 0430. Now for a nurse to get of early is really rare, but for a supervisor to get off early happens about as often as snow falls in Hawaii. I got to come home and get to bed while it was still dark outside, what a treat. Got up and did a few things, went grocery shopping, so I can cross that chore off my to do list. Then tonight we had Christmas with the grandkids.

Our grandson who just turned 6 is a great kid, respectful and full of energy. Kid knows his way around a computer and a video game better then most adults. So for Christmas we decided to buy him a bike, yes a manual get out in the fresh air and do some physical exercise BIKE. This decision was made like 6 days before Christmas, I was like you want us to buy a bike 6 days before Christmas, are you nuts?? In case you don't know this, I hate malls and I hate crowds even more. So hellooooo computer. Not much you can't find on the web. So with the help of a friend (thank you Chris) we spent one whole evening looking at bikes on line and trying to find just the right bike. Five days before Christmas I went to Target to look at what they had, ahhh you have to be kidding me a hundred bucks for a bike for a 6 year old.........I don't think so! Four days before Christmas I make a stop at Walmart on my way home from work and there sitting in the aisle is the perfect bike, a black and gold sharp little 18 inch Razor Cobra bike complete with training wheels, hand breaks and all put together. Life is sweet!

Now the bike has been sitting in our dining room since I brought it home. Tonight we loaded it back up in my Rav4 and headed off to the kids house. Now you can't really wrap a bike so I decided to make it a game, a treasure hunt with the prize being the bike.

The first clue was to look in the place where you put your dirty clothes and they come out clean. On the washer was another clue to look on the box that keeps your food cold, on the refrig. was a clue that lead him to look under his bed. That clue told him to go and look under the tree, and there was his shiny new bike.

While the bike was a big hit and he had to ride it in the house up and down the hall a couple of times, I think he really like the treasure hunt the best. Leave it to a kid to look at the toy and end up playing with the box LOL. Then he wanted to be the one to hide a "treasure" and Grandma go do the searching.......I'm still not sure how my stuffed snowman prize made it into the light fixture on the overhead kitchen light, but it was a lot of fun. Grandpas treasure was a piece of chocolate left in front of the gingerbread house.

We had a wonderful evening and a lot of fun, I know this will be a Christmas that we will never forget! Now I wonder what surprises are waiting to be found in the next two days. I hope you find a treasure under your tree. But remember that Christmas is not all about presents, wrapping paper and how much time you spent finding the perfect Chrsitmas gift. It's going to church and celebrating the birth of an infant that would change the world. I wish you peace and happiness and time spent with family and friends this Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas tree

Last weekend was a nice long 4 day weekend off for me, the last block of days I would have off before Christmas. Putting up the Christmas tree was at the top of the to do list. Saturday I spent all day cleaning, got a lot of things done that I had let go. Sunday my 93 year old mother-in-law comes into town, so spend some time with us. My husband took her to church, then we went out to lunch, then she wanted to go visit my Mom and then we had to drive her to Marana which is like 45 miles from where we were. By the time we got home I was exhausted!

The last thing I felt like doing was putting up the tree. My dear hubby said "oh lets get this over with, we'll have it done in a couple of hours and then you won't have to worry about it." So off to the storage shed we go. We own two Christmas trees, one is 7 feet tall and the other is 3 1/2 feet tall. I asked him which tree we should put up, and his answer was what ever you think is fine with me. Ok so 31/2 feet it is. We haul the boxes with all the decorations in. I open the box with the tree in it and low and behold there is the tree with the lights still on it and the decorations........SCORE!!!! Now this is gonna be a piece of cake, I set the tree on the coffee table, put the tree skirt around the base of the tree, put on a few ornaments that fell off and WAALAAA. Our tree is decorated with white pearl lights, maroon velvet
ribbons with gold wire edges and clear plastic icicles with fine glitter on them. One of the best trees we have had in some time. Ahhhh now to cross that chore off my list. It's not perfect, but hey its a Christmas tree and its up.

Hope your shopping is done, your tree is up and decorated and your ready for Christmas.
Until next time........

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Lights

Why is it that when you go to put up the Christmas lights that worked great when you packed them away last year, but now only half the string lights up? Whats up with that? Well this year as usual we brought the lights in to test them before we put them up (smart thinking right?)
Half of each strand worked, the other half didn't light up well I don't know about you, but trying to find out the problem is just not worth the effort, so in the garbage they went. Off to the store to buy more lights. I bought 4 boxes of icicle lights, ran home and got the ladder out and set up, opened the first box only to discover that all the lights are BLUE ok, not exactly what I wanted, but hey their just lights right? So we proceed to put up the lights, every thing looks great!

Ok now fast forward 24 hrs, I go out to turn on the lights and nothing, nada black as black can be. So for four nights we have had Christmas lights up that don't work. Today we decide to try and figure out the problem. I think we put too many strings together end to end (I'm a genius right?) So out comes the ladder again and we start taking the lights down, I figure if we disconnect the lights at the beginning of the forth set it should work out, we can plug the last half of the lights in a different outlet and all should be well.........WRONG!!! We finally end up taking down three sets and it ended up being a loose wire in the first set, so lucky for us that I had purchased an extra set. Now we have our outside lights up and even though they are not the color I wanted, they are working LOL. And as my dear hubby says "hey their just Christmas lights!"

Ok now lets just hope that putting up the Christmas tree goes a little better than the outside light project.