Sunday, November 23, 2008

A day out shopping with the peacock

Ok let me tell you alittle about my friend Matt. First off Matt is short about 5'4 or so, wears his hair really short and is openly gay. Now Matt happens to not only be a friend, but is also one of the PCT's where I work. One morning we decide to go shopping after we get off. We have put in a 12 hr shift and got off at 7:30 in the morning. Ok we goof around for a bit and Matt says he needs to go to the bank to get a new ATM card, he left his in his car and it kind of melted (we live in the desert where it gets over 100 in the summer and a locked car can get MUCH hotter).

We get his bank card taken care of and head to the mall, which is not open yet, but we find a coffee shop thats open and kill another 20 minutes or so. Matt is very flamboyant, both in his actions and dress. At work he is known for wearing the brightest scrubs they make, like the flourscent orange one he wears that is the color of the jailhouse jumpsuits, or the Lime green one that he wears. Now Matts purpose for wanting to go to the mall is to buy croc shoes that match all his uniforms. I'm just going along for the ride. We get to the Croc place and Matt tries on and buys like five pairs of shoes, then we head to the department store, where Matt goes to the mens calogne counter. Matt had gotten a gay mens magazine in the mail and it had one of those little smell this new cologne pieces in it so he wants to buy this cologne.

saleslady: "may I help you sir?'

Matt: "yes you do carry Boss Cologne?"

Saleslady: "yes we do."

Matt: "Can I smell the boss please?"

At this point being the tired ass, boss that I am I stick out my right arm and say "Oh if you must" Now Matt is busting a gut laughing, I'm laughing myself and the sales clerk is standing there totally straight faced on getting the joke. Well at this point I have to walk away.

Pan forward a few minutes later and we are again in the shoe department of the same department store and Matt is trying on yes you guessed it more croc's. I start trying on a pair or two and find a pair I like, but not in the size I want. Matt has finished what he was doing and is now impatiently waiting for me to finish. Matt is standing leaned up against the shoe rack where the shoes are displayed that I want....I say "excuse me do you have this shoe in a 9 wide?"
Matt quickly takes his hand out of his pocket, jerks around and says "let me check.....Nope we are fresh out" as he gives me the finger. Now both of us are cracking up and people are looking at us like we are crazy. Ok as Quick Draw McDraw used to say "exit stage left" or did he say right???? Oh well............... such as my day spent shopping with a friend who can make me laugh any time he wants too.

1 comment:

insanelybusymomma said...

LMAO, oh man, what a way to end a hard nights work!

Kind of makes you wonder what people around you are thinking of all your shenanagins doesn't it?