Monday, November 24, 2008

Things that make me mad

Ok now I have been known to have a short fuse, I have a tendency to get mad, but I say what I have to say and for the most part that's it. However there are some things in life that really tick me today. I call a company that provided home physical therapy for my husband after he had his knee replaced. The reason for the call is that I have received a bill that is stamped at the top "Notice of Collection", now I pay my bills on time and have never received a bill from this company so for them to stamp it "Notice of Collection" has me a bit upset. I call the number listed on the statement and what do I hear "If you wish to hear this information in English, please press 1" now I am in the United States and I am calling a number that is in the United States, why do I need to press 1? The official language of this country is ENGLISH you idiots, if you want to hear this message in another language, then you should have to press 1! Ok that's another thing that makes me mad is these stupid auto answering machines that companies have. (ok that's info for another blog)

Ok so I get the person on the phone that I need to speak to after pressing about 5 different numbers and ask why I have received this bill stamped "Notice of Collection", she says oh that's not for you, that's for the benefit of your insurance company WTH?? If you are trying to direct something to the insurance then why don't you mail it to their address and not send it to me? Well this person on the other end of the line is getting the hint that I am upset about receiving this and so she starts getting all uppity with me. So I proceed to tell her what I think of the services that we received while my husband was under their care. She then tells me that I should write a letter and put it in the envelope along with my payment. Now you and I both know what file that letter is going to go in..........yup you got it that little circular file under some clerks desk.

Oh well at least I had my say and maybe if enough people complain they will stop this stupid practise. Ok I am stepping off my soap box now and yes I do feel a bit better.

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