Monday, November 24, 2008

Things that make me mad

Ok now I have been known to have a short fuse, I have a tendency to get mad, but I say what I have to say and for the most part that's it. However there are some things in life that really tick me today. I call a company that provided home physical therapy for my husband after he had his knee replaced. The reason for the call is that I have received a bill that is stamped at the top "Notice of Collection", now I pay my bills on time and have never received a bill from this company so for them to stamp it "Notice of Collection" has me a bit upset. I call the number listed on the statement and what do I hear "If you wish to hear this information in English, please press 1" now I am in the United States and I am calling a number that is in the United States, why do I need to press 1? The official language of this country is ENGLISH you idiots, if you want to hear this message in another language, then you should have to press 1! Ok that's another thing that makes me mad is these stupid auto answering machines that companies have. (ok that's info for another blog)

Ok so I get the person on the phone that I need to speak to after pressing about 5 different numbers and ask why I have received this bill stamped "Notice of Collection", she says oh that's not for you, that's for the benefit of your insurance company WTH?? If you are trying to direct something to the insurance then why don't you mail it to their address and not send it to me? Well this person on the other end of the line is getting the hint that I am upset about receiving this and so she starts getting all uppity with me. So I proceed to tell her what I think of the services that we received while my husband was under their care. She then tells me that I should write a letter and put it in the envelope along with my payment. Now you and I both know what file that letter is going to go in..........yup you got it that little circular file under some clerks desk.

Oh well at least I had my say and maybe if enough people complain they will stop this stupid practise. Ok I am stepping off my soap box now and yes I do feel a bit better.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A day out shopping with the peacock

Ok let me tell you alittle about my friend Matt. First off Matt is short about 5'4 or so, wears his hair really short and is openly gay. Now Matt happens to not only be a friend, but is also one of the PCT's where I work. One morning we decide to go shopping after we get off. We have put in a 12 hr shift and got off at 7:30 in the morning. Ok we goof around for a bit and Matt says he needs to go to the bank to get a new ATM card, he left his in his car and it kind of melted (we live in the desert where it gets over 100 in the summer and a locked car can get MUCH hotter).

We get his bank card taken care of and head to the mall, which is not open yet, but we find a coffee shop thats open and kill another 20 minutes or so. Matt is very flamboyant, both in his actions and dress. At work he is known for wearing the brightest scrubs they make, like the flourscent orange one he wears that is the color of the jailhouse jumpsuits, or the Lime green one that he wears. Now Matts purpose for wanting to go to the mall is to buy croc shoes that match all his uniforms. I'm just going along for the ride. We get to the Croc place and Matt tries on and buys like five pairs of shoes, then we head to the department store, where Matt goes to the mens calogne counter. Matt had gotten a gay mens magazine in the mail and it had one of those little smell this new cologne pieces in it so he wants to buy this cologne.

saleslady: "may I help you sir?'

Matt: "yes you do carry Boss Cologne?"

Saleslady: "yes we do."

Matt: "Can I smell the boss please?"

At this point being the tired ass, boss that I am I stick out my right arm and say "Oh if you must" Now Matt is busting a gut laughing, I'm laughing myself and the sales clerk is standing there totally straight faced on getting the joke. Well at this point I have to walk away.

Pan forward a few minutes later and we are again in the shoe department of the same department store and Matt is trying on yes you guessed it more croc's. I start trying on a pair or two and find a pair I like, but not in the size I want. Matt has finished what he was doing and is now impatiently waiting for me to finish. Matt is standing leaned up against the shoe rack where the shoes are displayed that I want....I say "excuse me do you have this shoe in a 9 wide?"
Matt quickly takes his hand out of his pocket, jerks around and says "let me check.....Nope we are fresh out" as he gives me the finger. Now both of us are cracking up and people are looking at us like we are crazy. Ok as Quick Draw McDraw used to say "exit stage left" or did he say right???? Oh well............... such as my day spent shopping with a friend who can make me laugh any time he wants too.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Week

Gosh here it is Saturday morning at 3:38 in the morning. Now why am I awake and writing this blog entry, well let me answer that by explaining how Friday went for me...... I worked on Thursday night. It was really a busy night at the hospital, lots of admits, moving of patients and in general just a busy night. The shift is almost over and I am saying to myself "self hang in there only a few minutes to go and your shift will be over with!" Now I am a very organized person at work (don't laugh I really am ), but this night I am running behind, not too bad, but I am running a bit late. I have my assignments done for the next shift, my monitor tech assignments are made out and all I need to do is make copies and get them posted, so off to the copy machine. I set all the settings that I need and push the print button, the copies start to print, I wait for it to print and then remove the copies.....WTH they are all blank! Ok lets start over, yes the original is properly placed on the glass, print side down, the settings are all correct so lets try this again, I push the start button and my copies print. I remove them from the try and yahoo they are all copied just perfect......well except for the fact that I missed filling out part of the assignment sheet so I fix that and finally get it copied. So now I have printed 3 sets of assignment sheets, ok not to bad. Then I go to copy another form that I need to do, remove it from the tray only to find out I placed the wrong original on the machine......for crying out loud I do this every day why I am having so much trouble today? Ok finally get that done and taken care of, give report to the oncoming shift supervisor and think to myself "yahoo its over with!" look up and who is standing at the unit manager, ahhhhh crap, I say good morning and she says good morning and then procedes to ask if I can do a few things for her (now don't get my wrong I love my manager) but really it's Friday morning, I am supposed to be off for three days. But I say sure what do you need? She hands me a form she needs redone (I am the units form making guru) and asks if I can redo it for her and make a few changes. Sure no problem, this will take like 30 minutes tops. Yea hour later I finally have the form the way she wants it so I go to print it, it comes out with a wierd black line on it.....are you getting the picture that nothing with keys or buttons wants to take directions from me tonight?
So to make a long story short I take the printer apart and clean it and reprint the form for her and that is done. Ok I grab my purse and head out the door, get halfway to the parking lot and realize I forgot to clock out, darn it! So back I go to the unit and clock out. I get in my SUV and start towards home, the tire pressure warning light comes on, drats! So I use my cell phone and call my friend who works for a local tire company and ask if he is busy, he says no, so off I go to have the problem checked out. Well after finding one of my month old tires is really low, the guys found a screw in the low tire. Ok so they were able to fix the tire and I am on my way home for some sleep. I realize I missed dinner last night, haven't had any breakfast this morning and I am hungry, so I swing into a drive thru and grab a bite to eat. I drive home eat and get ready for bed, the clock reads 12:32pm. I get in bed and sleep races out the door, not to return until some time after 2:30 (the last time I looked at the clock). I slept until 9:00 at night. So I have read my emails, caught up on my blog reading, talked to my friend, gone through the mail (a hated chore for me LOL) and now here I sit unable to go to sleep and not much to do at this time of the morning. Oh well I guess I will go wrap my grandsons birthday present and do some reading.......until next time.